TK Tunas Unggul
Tunas Unggul as an educational institution has the desire to participate in preparing preschool children for further education, by establishing TK Tunas Unggul. TK Tunas Unggul is determined to organize education with the focus on fostering children’s character through the cultivation of moral, spiritual values, cooperation, mutual respect, care, compassion, help and independence.
Implement Inquiry’s learning model. This model facilitates the child to create meaning based on experiences, observations and social interactions in his environment. The learning process is carried out through exploration based on themes, in this case students are given freedom and introduced to new things to open their insights with varied and fun learning resources. In addition to exploring themes, TK Tunas Unggul uses corner learning methods (center-based) to explore children’s basic abilities such as language, dramatization, creativity, motor, cognitive and natural.
International Baccalaureate
The transdisciplinary framework of PYP focuses on the overall development of the child as an inquisitive person, both in school and out of school. PYP has been developed through decades of research into the way students learn, the way educators teach, and effective assessment principles and practices. The program strongly emphasizes inquiry-based learning.
Through PYP, TK Tunas Unggul develops students’ academic, social and emotional well-being, with a focus on international thinking and strong personal values. PYP fosters self-learning skills, encouraging each student to take responsibility for their learning. The program incorporates local and global issues into the curriculum, asking students to look at six related transdisciplinary themes and consider the relationships between them. Themes raised include ‘who we are’, ‘where we are, at a place and time’, ‘sharing the planet’, ‘how we express ourselves’, ‘how we govern ourselves’ and ‘how the world works’.

Essential Elements of PYP
The inquiry program is organized around six transdisciplinary themes of global significance and learning about these themes underpins the program. Students address all six themes each year;
- Who We Are
- Where We Are in Place and Time
- How We Express Ourselves
- How the World Works
- How We Organise Ourselves
- Sharing the Planet.
Action is an integral part of the Primary Years Programme (PYP) and an opportunity for students to seek the opportunity to make a significant contribution to their local and global communities. It is a core component of agency and offers learners the ability to see that they can not only make a meaningful contribution to the world around them but also be change-makers.
- Thinking Skills
Students should be encouraged to develop a range of important thinking skills like creative thinking, critical thinking and ethical thinking. - Research Skills
These include skills of research like the process of comparing, collecting, prioritising and contrasting information. - Communication Skills
This includes vital written and oral communication skills, the ability to listen effectively and patiently, and form arguments coherently and effectively - Social Skills
This includes the skill of forming positive relationships, listening skills (relevant to the skills above) and the resolution of conflicts and arguments - Self-Management Skills
Children should be encouraged to develop their skills or organisation, time management, ability to multitask and also manage their emotions and state of mind
- (Form) ----------------------> What is it like?
- (Function) -------------------> How does it work?
- (Causation) ------------------> Why is it like this?
- (Change) --------------------> How is it changing?
- (Connection) ----------------> How is it connected to other things?
- (Perspective) ----------------> What are the points of view?
- (Responsibility) --------------> What is our responsibility?
Centre of Exellence
Religious Habituation
- Habituation of memorization (Prayer, Surah, Hadith and Asmaul Husna)
- Dhuha and Dhuhr prayers in congregation
- Recognizing Hijaiyah letters
- Tahfidz Week & Tahfidz graduation
- Story Telling the story of the prophet
Students Corner
- Cube Corner
- Roleplay Corner
- Nature Corner
- English Corner
- Art Corner
- Literacy Corner
Academic Programme
- Excursion/Outing
- Guest Teachers
- Cooking Class
- Special teacher
- Book week
- Action
- Assessments (Formative, Summative, Self and Peer),
- Grade TK B Graduation, Parents as Learners (PALS),
- Parent-Teacher Interview

Strong Personal Values
Learner profile, Special Teacher, Book week, character development program (3 Kata ajaib, 3S & 3M)
Periodical activity :
- Swimming,
- Hiking
Special Event :
- Qurban in Idul Adha & Ramadan Programme Series,
- Book Week,
- Assembly & Big Assembly.
Inclusive Programme :
- Individual education program
- Child development treatment
- Supplementary program : hiking, swimming, filed trip
- Personal development program
- Councelling
- Stimulation, detection and early intervention for Child Development